If you’ve ever had any kind of pain or sickness, you know it holds your body captive. What is the purpose of the anointing? To set people free.

He heals in many different ways through the healing anointing. And it’s time to shake off any of your own ideas about how God is going to manifest your healing. It’s time to lay hold of the idea that healing is for you, not just for a select few. Healing minister Billy Burke says, “God doesn’t heal you because you’re good He heals you because He’s good.” Healing is part of your Calvary benefit package. In fact, medical science has grouped all sickness and disease into 39 categories, and Jesus took 39 stripes for our healing! God certainly didn’t sacrifice His only Son so only a few could figure out how to receive what He provided in doing that. He provided for your healing when Jesus went to the cross. God is a good, loving and compassionate God. The first way to receive your healing through the anointing is to become manifest-minded. Receive Your Healing by Becoming Manifest-Minded “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” –Job 5:9 (NIV) Begin expecting healing today by learning more about these five ways to receive your healing through the anointing.ġ. You can access every part of the healing anointing in your life. If he’s telling you something is complicated, one thing is certain-it isn’t. He’s tried to convince us that, just like that troublesome little cube, only a select few can figure it out. He’s jumbled around the idea of healing in our minds until it looks unsolvable-unattainable. The devil has made a lot of believers feel just the same. Most people give up after a few fruitless attempts, leaving such a feat to those who have the desire and patience to conquer the colorful puzzle. If you’ve ever attempted to solve a Rubik’s Cube™, you know this: Once it gets jumbled around, it seems nearly impossible to solve! There are a million different possible combinations, requiring the turning of each section at the perfect time and in the perfect way. Are you tolerating sickness, pain or disease in your life? Enough is enough! Discover these 5 ways to receive your healing through the anointing today!